Foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like fish are a good source of fat burning food. So how does it work here? Well, Omega 3 is said to help increase the permeability of the cell membrane and this can help increase protein synthesis improving our glycogen storage capacity as a result. This in turn helps to regulate more Leptin production in our body as our insulin levels are more balance. The more Leptin in our body, the less easy we will feel hungry. Leptin is a hormone produced by our body fat. Which means the more Leptin is produced the more body fats are used and the less easy we will feel hungry. Less insulin level in our body means less fat will be stored into our tummy. Omega 3 can also improve the fat burning process in mitochondria, our fat burning furnace in our body. It is like adding oil to a burning fire which helps it burn even more efficiently our stored fat.
Finally, the all important source of life, where everything is originated from and that is water. Without water we all will not be able to survive anyway. Water is the source of minerals which helps to regulate our body’s metabolism. With a well metabolic rate, our body will burn fat more easily, keeping our body fat at an optimum level at all time. It is important to know that all our cell activities in our body, including the fat burning process, requires water in order to be able to carry out in an efficient manner. That is why we need to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday so that our body can perform at the healthiest level for our own benefit.